Friday, July 2, 2010

Casi termino

My year officially ended about an hour ago, and surprisingly I held it together. I do not think it has hit me yet that I will be seeing the boys breifly next week and then not until Sunday the 11th. I have been in charge of these boys for so long it honestly just feels like the boys are coming back on Sunday and that we are having a normal weekend. The boys who are going will be leaving from CH on Sunday and coming back on Saturday, and then they will come back for the summer term. But I plan to go on a Mission with some people for the States so I will not be around that much. So I said all my goodbyes to the boys last night and I am sure there will be more tears to come. I am sad but my boys are happy to be going home.

As for Hurricane Alex we made it through 3 days of nonstop rain, and lots and lots of wet clothes. But we had to cancel our party we had planned for the boys due to the rain. But we rescheduled it for the 15th of July too bad I am not here for the party, but I know that the boys will fully enjoy their party. We have so many games and things for them to do, I know they will have a great time. The rain has left the streets extremely wet, but we are fine here in Saltillo, Monterrey is another story, but thankfully we are doing well here, just drying everything out. But not to worry the streets and drainage systems just don't work. We had about a foot of water in Study Hall which is 4 classrooms so I got to throw the water out bucket by bucket. Thankfully we have teenage boys who love doing stuff like that. And after 2 hours you would have never know there was water in the rooms. So we survived all the rain, and now I just have to get through these next week and a half :(

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