Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday

So today is Ash Wednesday as you all know. And we went to mass as we do everyday. Well once the Ashes were blessed the Priest sat down. I was confused but then everyone got in line and put the ashes on themselves. At first I was a little taken back, but then I got in line and place the ashes on my forehead, and it was such a nice feeling. I mean this is a day for me to repent and remember the whole reason we have Easter. It was a totally different experience for anything else I have ever experienced. So then we had a little prayer service for the kids in school. And I had to help pass out the ashes and again I got this wonderful feeling inside. And Hno. Carlos explained to the kids about today and why we receive ashes, and I have grown up Catholic so I know why, but to hear it explained in the way he did was really interesting. He was explaining it to the fifth and sixth grade so he was on their level, but it was so simply put it made me realize Jesus did all these things for me, so that I could have life. And without him I would not be here today. So I can give up chocolate and cigarettes for forty days. Because he made the ultimate sacrifice for me. Oh and I was wondering why the ashes here are grey and of course I asked and I am not sure if we do this in the states. But here they use palms and they also use all the old missals or old Bibles. Because their concept is you cannot throw out the Word of God. And it is these simple things that I heard today which really made a huge difference in my preparation for Easter. But I think that is the beauty of my job here sometimes we are too busy to hear the little things that God is trying to tell us.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bad Movies and Broke Down Suburbans :(

So this past weekend the family of one of the other volunteers came to visit. And it was nice to have other people here and new faces. Plus they brought home cooked food which is always a plus. We rarely have food in the fridge here except for the cheese and tortillas. Cereal has become my best friend lately. But only with soy milk, because the milk here is never refrigerated and it grosses me out. But this past weekend I got to do some relaxing and I watched a movie, The Lovely Bones, highly DON´T recommend it the book is fascinating but the movie is horrible.

As for my kids they had progressively gotten better as the past week went by. And it made for a nice Friday. Hopefully this week will not be as stressful. One of our volunteers sadly needs back surgery, so I do not think she will be returning for the remainder of the year. And I just pray she has a quick and safe recovery. With one person not here the whole dynamics of the group changes. But now we all have a seat in our Eurovan which is a blessing :) Speaking of our trusty Eurovan it is our only means of transportation right now. Our Suburban broke down on Saturday in Torreon. So now we have to rely on the Eurovan which is not saying too much. Hopefully it will not break down as well. It barely starts in the morning. We have to think of a project here in Casa Hogar, for example in the past they asked for a Library for the kids, a roof over the cement field so the kids can play in the rain, and we asked for a new car. But immediately got shut down. Maybe someone will donate us something this year, but more than likely no. Well I am off the nap I am battling a sore throat and I do not want a cold.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another week in Casa Hogar

So this week has been very draining. On top of my normal work, I had to make a Powerpoint about San Miguel Febres, because we celebrated his death of 100 years. Well making a Powerpoint in Spanish about a Saint I had never heard of was rather interesting. I know now all about San Miguel. Well it was really stressful, and it had to be perfect, and the boys were I don´t want to say horrible, but they were close. It is like they go home for less than 48 hours and come back with no rules, and terrible attitudes. So it is like we have to reteach them all we have taught them like rules and not to be rude. So this past Monday and Tuesday was really hard on Elizabeth because I was working on the presentation, and she was alone. And when one of us are alone the boys know how to make it just that much harder on us. They are very smart :) but on the bright side Alejandro drew me a bunch of flowers and Arath drew me a picture of the Virgin Mary. So that was cool. And tomorrow is Friday and there are only two volunteers this weekend so I have Casa Hogar to pretty much myself which I love. And this weekend I have nothing at all to do which is always a plus. And on Sunday hopefully the will come back in a better mood than this past week.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I have never doubted that I need to be here, and this has been a rather easy year for me thus far. Mexico is a totally different world that I am used to, but I have embraced many of their traditions, customs, and practices. But I have had to grow accustomed to them. For instance when I walk into a room of people, I must always introduce myself to EVERYONE and the same for when I leave. Or the use of injections here is crazy. When a person has a cold they get an injection of some type, and I have no idea what it is, but I cannot imagine giving myself a shot for the cold. or anytime at that matter. And they have this tradition that is slowly growing on me about Baby Jesus. Our Christmas in my house is over usually the day after Christmas, well this year we went a few day after, when our Christmas Tree fell over, was when our Christmas in the Kelly Family was officially over. But here Christmas I feel like just ended last week. But all in all this has really been a great experience. And I have made a few changes with my work and I love it. For one my Religion Class is amazing with the littlest boys, that just make me smile. The other day we were playing Bingo, and when each kid won they shouted "buenas," well there is a little boy, Jodi who is a little chubby and has no teeth, and there is always a story to be told about him. Well he did not realize he had three in a row. So I told him, and he yelled out, "Presente" well the whole class just laughed, and he was just laughing along with them. It just made my day to have a class of boys all laughing in unison over a word. And it really made me appreciate my kids and this experience. Sometimes it is the little things in life that can really have a great effect on a person.