Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Next Steps

Well I have been back in the States for 10 days now, and I have gotten a job and moved across country. It has been wonderful. I have not had much time to think, but I will settle down soon. Leaving Florida was not as hard as I thought it would be, but possibly because I was only there for 2 & 1/2 days so it was crazy. But I know that this job I have is going to be so rewarding. I am working at a women's' shelter in Round Rock which is right outside of Austin. And the few days I have been there I feel so at home and comfortable. It has all happened so fast, but it is so rewarding. This week has been a lot of training, but I have been doing a lot of shadowing, and I will be on my own Monday. I am really looking forward to it all and starting my life here. Thank God I have such a wonderful sister and brother-in-law, who have opened their home to me. But this move just feels so right and I know that I am going to get a lot out of this job. I am just so happy to be here and back in the States. Once I have PTO I will be traveling to Mexico to visit my boys and friends. This just all seems so crazy, but it really all just makes sense to me.

I must say that the BBQ I had with my family and friends we really well. And I cannot express how much I appreciate my family and friends. I have the best parents some one could ask for, and the most supportive friends. This past year has just been so amazing and wonderful, and I cannot ask for anything more, (OK and apt. would be nice, all in due timing.) I know that my year in Mexico is over, but really I am still using the many things I learned there to be the woman I am here today.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Good Byes

I think this is the hardest thing I have had to do, is to say goodbye to my family here in Mexico. I just left the house of my Mexican Momma and her children who have become my family. I could not help but to cry, but she told me something very simple but great advice. Think of this as a long vacation from Casa Hogar, and I will be coming back in a few months. She has been my substitute mother here. She was there for most of my tears and frustrations, and she just always had an open ear for me. Her children are like my brothers and sisters. Her daughter Evelyn and I have spent many nights laughing and laughing, while the others were always there for when I needed time away from Casa Hogar. So I just said goodbye to my family here and I do not know when I will be back to see them.

So then all day today I have just wanted to relax, but I had a list a mile long of things to do, and places to go. But I will be leaving soon and Mexico will be just a memory. It is so s ad, but I am trying to focus on the good, and all the memories that I will be leaving with. I just did not think it would be this hard, to have to say goodbye to my home, my boys, my friends, and my life. I am leaving my life. I am going back to my life in FL with no job, no plan, but a whole lot of faith which is the most important thing right now in my life. I have learned a lot here in Mexico, and I will be taking back with me so much from here. I do not know how to explain how I feel right now to be honest I feel nothing, and I think that is the worst thing in the world. But Hno. Carlos told me, it is all in the hands of God, and that it is.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

One Week

Well 4th of July here was just another day. I got to see some of my boys who came to get their grades so that was nice. And now that the champ got cancelled due to the horrible weather in MTY, we the volunteers are cleaning and cleaning some more here in Casa Hogar. And the rain will not stop I am so over it all. But the weather stayed dry for the graduation that we had today, which was long but each class danced traditional Mexican dances which was interesting. And then I started to think about how traditional Mexico is, and how I will always hold a very special place in my heart for this country. Although all my time here was in the walls of Casa Hogar I learned a lot about Mexico and how wonderful of a country it can be. But I do miss my country and I am very looking forward to my return. My boys will be fine in the hands of other volunteers and I know that I did my best with them, and they taught me so much about life. I cannot imagine my life without these boys. I have so many fond memories with each and everyone of them, I could right a never ending story. But this chapter is coming to a close, as I might me leaving sooner than I thought due to a possible job interview, (Come on God Help me with this one) that I might have in Austin next week. So I will be praying for that. In the meantime I am going to eat the Ice-Pops I brought back from the States, and clean Casa Hogar.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Casi termino

My year officially ended about an hour ago, and surprisingly I held it together. I do not think it has hit me yet that I will be seeing the boys breifly next week and then not until Sunday the 11th. I have been in charge of these boys for so long it honestly just feels like the boys are coming back on Sunday and that we are having a normal weekend. The boys who are going will be leaving from CH on Sunday and coming back on Saturday, and then they will come back for the summer term. But I plan to go on a Mission with some people for the States so I will not be around that much. So I said all my goodbyes to the boys last night and I am sure there will be more tears to come. I am sad but my boys are happy to be going home.

As for Hurricane Alex we made it through 3 days of nonstop rain, and lots and lots of wet clothes. But we had to cancel our party we had planned for the boys due to the rain. But we rescheduled it for the 15th of July too bad I am not here for the party, but I know that the boys will fully enjoy their party. We have so many games and things for them to do, I know they will have a great time. The rain has left the streets extremely wet, but we are fine here in Saltillo, Monterrey is another story, but thankfully we are doing well here, just drying everything out. But not to worry the streets and drainage systems just don't work. We had about a foot of water in Study Hall which is 4 classrooms so I got to throw the water out bucket by bucket. Thankfully we have teenage boys who love doing stuff like that. And after 2 hours you would have never know there was water in the rooms. So we survived all the rain, and now I just have to get through these next week and a half :(

Monday, June 28, 2010

Do all people need to be parents...

I really think some people should not be allowed to have children. With birth control pretty much nonexistent here, and I understand why, everyone is Catholic. But come on there is no need to have 8 children and not be able to take care of them. It really breaks my heart that there are so many boys on the waiting list for next year to live here. I understand this is a great institute for them and they have a much better life here than in their houses, but I have a hard time not getting upset with the parents who dump their boys off here and then leave without a care. Yes we provide food, shelter, and so much for the boys, but maybe if they did not have child after child that they cannot afford there would not be so many kids on the streets here.

This past weekend we had a boy who is in second grade and no one came to pick him up. We have had in the past boys whose parents call and ask permission to pick up the boys on Saturday morning and we give them permission, if it is not a reoccurring issue, but on Friday no one came for Miguel Angel. Imagine everyone leaves and you are waiting, waiting, and waiting, and no one comes. Well this happened last weekend too, so after much thought his parents are going to be reported to DIF, which is like our Child Protective Services. But then I wonder what they will do, probably nothing. I was heart-broken for Miguel Angel. And then there is another boy whose mom is trying to have him removed from the home, because of her abusive husband, while she can figure out her next move. Having him removed briefly would probably be a good thing, but he is here Sunday afternoon to Friday afternoon, so maybe she needs to remove her husband, which is what Hno. Julian is trying to help her sort out. There are just so many boys here who have seen so much in their short lives. It is hard, but sometimes we just have to push those thoughts out and just give them a hug and show them the love that they do not receive in their homes.

As this is the last week here with my boys I have this awful feeling like a part of me is dieing. I have been their support, their love, and their mother for the past 10 months and now Friday will be their last day. I will see some of them briefly for their summer program, but it is not the same. They will no longer be "mine" and I am at a loss for words on how to explain what all I am going through. I was given 12 boys at the beginning of the year, and I am leaving 10 of the most beautiful people who I have ever encountered. So I just have to stay positive and continue to express my love for them till Friday.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Well went to Texas had an interview and now I am just waiting back in Mexico. I have been trying to focus and send at as many resumes as possible, but I need to just be patient. I keep telling myself if I do not get this job something better will come along, and I know God is looking out for me, but I do not like to wait for anything I have very little patience. So I got back on Thursday at 1 a.m. the bus ride was long but so worth it my boys left me an awesome note on the blackboard welcoming me home. It was such a great way to end the 13 hour journey. So I woke all the boys up and they were so excited to have me back, I have never felt so much love, they totally embraced me and said how much they miss me, although Emilio told me to leave so Chio will be back with Chicos B, he was totally kidding because when I told him I was going he grabbed me arm and asked me never to leave. So it is so hard knowing that there is only one week left with me babies. The reality of it all hit me, when I was in the chapel, and one of the medianos drew a picture of all the volunteers, minus Elizabeth, and I asked why she was not in the picture and he simply said that he forgot her. And I was taken back, but then it made me think that these boys grow so accustomed to having to new volunteers each year they will probably forget me as the time goes on. They might forget my name and who I am, but I know that I have made a huge difference in some of their live they will not forget, and they will all be getting a photo and us as a group so they cannot forget me. But it is just a part of this experience here in Casa Hogar, when I return as a visitor I will not longer be the volunteer who took care of them. I will just an ex-volunteer who was there for a year, and they will have new volunteers in their life. They rarely talk about the volunteers last year, although some still mention them, but I know that it will change and I will just have to continue to remind myself that this has been the best year of my life and the memories I will have here will live in my heart forever.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


It is so damn hot here. I have a hard time thinking, I did not realize how fortunate I am to live in a world of A/C. I have been having dreams about my A/C and it calling my name. Three fans and the window wide open just does not cut it. I mean it is 100° and rising it is terrible. And it does not help that everything is concrete, asphalt, and very little greenery. So it just makes it 10 times worse. I am sick of this heat, which is why I cannot wait to get back to the U.S.A and live in the world of A/C. Don't get me wrong I am enjoying these last few weeks here and the boys are actually behaving well. But right now I am in vacation mode, I will be Texas bound tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. for the weekend. I even have a job interview lined up, so that is great to know, and I will be sitting in A/C for 4 wonderful days. I went to get Dairy Queen the other day, and it is in the mall which is fully air conditioned and I thought I was going to melt. So I have to thank whoever invented the Air Conditioner, because he or she must have been a GENIUS.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I was watching a movie this morning when Hno. Julian came looking for me, I had a visitor. I was completely shocked. When I saw that it was John Chevis from Bay St. Louis I was so pleased. I was given the opportunity to show him around Casa Hogar and he took some great pictures to show my grandmother. He came to visit a mission that is here in Saltillo, where I spent many several weeks doing missions with my youth group. This morning I was quite discouraged trying to find a job which is not easy, but after seeing him and showing him around and what I actually do for some reason I feel a lot more at ease. And then my mom sent me an email telling me that everything will work out and will be just fine, I just need patience. Well John brought candy for the kids and I gave it out to them at lunch and they were in awww it was so nice to have something extra for them.

At around 1:00 I got to meet the cutest old man, he is one of the founders of Casa Hogar he wanted to start this place many years ago so he donated a ton of money. He is about 80 years old cannot drive so he has a driver and a huge Mercedes. So he talked to me for awhile and he spoke in perfect English and just made me feel so comfortable. Here is this 80 year old man one of the wealthiest here in Mexico, (he brought Coca Cola here to Saltillo or owns part of it) but the kindest man and still giving so much. And that is what it is really all about. I had two wonderful visitors today who gave me hope that there is some job waiting for me when this year is over.


So this past week has been really hard. I am going to visit my sister in a week so I am really excited, I have sent off some resumes, the year is coming to an end I am exhausted, and one of my boys broke into my room and stole some very personal items. This whole year I have had very little if any privacy at all, and now there is none. But the really sad part is this whole year I have put a lot of trust in this one boy. Whenever I needed to know something I always asked him, and now I feel like he has been lying to me this whole time. Which is why I am hurt rather than upset. He broke my trust and that is one of the hardest things to regain. So know he is living with the big kids and I never see him because they are on an entirely different schedule. So all I can do is pray for him, and hope for the best. It is just so frustrating because I cannot go one week with problems. Last week one of my boys was suspended for his behavior in school, and then he got a report this week, one more and he will be expelled from the school and Casa Hogar. I am just so tired I have very little energy at this time of year. I have to just keep telling myself that it is all coming to an end, and I know that once I am home I will probably want to be back. I talked to my mother today and having raised three kids she knows what she is talking about, and gave me some great advice, which she has been doing all year, and I am so thankful for all she has done and how much she has helped me throughout this experience.

Monday, May 31, 2010

MENUDO, Fist time for everything

OK so Deanna was here this past weekend, and she is awesome. We went to movies, talked a lot in English which I have been missing, and just hung out. Well on Saturday there was the First Communion for the boys. Well went and and then we were invited to eat at one of my boy´s houses. Well we walked over to the house and sat down and were given food. It was a bowl of greasy soup with chucks in it. I knew what it was but I had to ask so I asked Chio in English, what is this, and I got the answer I did not want to hear, her and Deanna at the same time said, "Menudo." At that moment I thought I was going to vomit a little. If you are not familiar with this speciality dish it is pig intestine and lining of the pigs stomach. Well I do not eat hardly any pig product let alone its intestines. I was instantly grossed out, but did not want to be rude. So I slowly sipped the soup, and I tried one chunk of the meat. Well it was horrible I had to swallow it whole to get it down. Let me just say it was "fuzzy" as Deanna described it. Deanna by the way lived in Mexico last year and successfully avoided it, until her visit on Saturday. So I am trying to eat it and I look over at Chio and ask, "Do you eat this all the time," her response, "Never in my life, my mom never prepares this, it is so gross." Well I could not finish it I had to stop laughing and I took Chio´s bowl and switched it with mine and said, "cometelo." Well she was not too please that she just choked down a bowl of menudo and had to eat mine. Needless to say I am fully indebted to her for the rest of my life.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Funny Boys

So this week I have been working with Chio and it is absolutely wonderful. The boys have been perfect and it has just been so easy. Deanna came to visit yesterday and is here for the weekend, so it is really nice to have an American here. I never realize how much I miss certain things (English) until I have them. She is awesome and the kids are always enthralled with people from the U.S. As I am counting down the days to my departure, I have this bittersweet feeling. I am so tired from all the work, and not with the kids, at this site we have so many other obligations here outside of the work with the kids I am exhausted. But I am so sad to think this year is almost over only 4 more weeks with the boys. But I know that God has a lot in store for me, what I am not sure, but I know there are many doors to be opened. The boys have been amazing though, and they say the funniest things all the time, I cannot help to have a smile on my face because they are hilarious. This morning Martin woke up with a crick in his neck and he cannot move it, so he is walking around with his head tilted and I cannot help but laugh and then he laughs and forgets about the pain. Or last night we were being attacked by mosquitoes so I had to spay every boys with spray and they were all freaking out by it, not sure why. And then Chio drew a 6 pack on Martin´s stomach and he was showing everyone his fake abs. They are just so damn funny that is the part that is so hard to leave and to think I will not be waking up to 11 boys every morning. But I am still looking forward to what is in store to come.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A look at whats to come

This time in 8 weeks I will be in my house. I cannot believe that this year has gone by so fast. I am so saddened that I have to leave, but it is all part of the experience. I am not ready to leave my boys, and they are not ready for me to leave. They keep asking me to stay and take care of them for one more year. But I cant I have to get a job and share my life changing experience with as many people as possible. This has just been such a great experience, I cannot explain how much I have enjoyed my time here. The boys, brothers, and my community have truly changed my life. I have learned truly how to give myself and let God take control. Without the relationship I have with him this would be impossible. The boys have given me such a different outlook on life as well. And I have stuck through this journey alone, which I think is a pretty great achievement in itself. I am looking for jobs and my next step and I cannot believe I will be in my house in 8 weeks. I will have been living here in Saltillo for exactly 13 months to the date of which I came. I am so sad to leave, but I am looking forward to what I have in store for the next 13 months, I am sure it will be another great chapter in my life.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Word of the day ardilla (squirrel)

OK so this was my afternoon yesterday, not really on afternoon, about 45 minutes of a lot of excitement in Casa Hogar.

We all leave the comedor for the dorms and chores.
A squirrel is spotted by the boys and 5 run after it to kill it.
While 6 are with me we go to the dorms and just hang out patiently waiting for the other boys.
Majo the other volunteer who works with me asks, "Did you give them permission to kill the squirrel?" I answer no. She goes to yell at them to get back in the dorm, I can hear her yelling to leaving the poor squirrel alone. I am still hanging out in the dorm with all the 5 good boys who did not want to kill a squirrel.
The boys come running back to Chicos B, and Alejandro leads it into my living room. Now I have a living room and a bedroom and the door to the bedroom was open so lets just say I am a bit upset.
The boys quickly clean the bathrooms and dorms, and Majo returns upset. Well I forget to say we had a massive thunderstorm and when it rains here the water just sits on the ground. Well Majo fell in a puddle and came back all wet. When the boys finished their chores they left for study hall.
Majo and I leave and while walking to the community room we see about 50 boys in the field having a war, they were all throwing rocks at each other, well Hno. Genaro was in the field yelling at them, but they were not listening so Majo tells them all to go line up for study hall.
I go to ring the bell, and all the boys are in front of the laundry room and all of Chicos A & B were fighting. I have no idea all this is going on I am ringing the bell, and Majo is the field telling them to go to study hall and cannot see what is going on with the little kids.
I go to ask Martin about the squirrel in my room. He is in study hall and I take him outside to ask, well I get the news from Hno. Carlos that all the boys were fighting and they are never to leave their dorm until the bell is rung. Well the boys usually do not leave they stay and do their homework till 3:25, but with all the excitement of the squirrel I made them go to study hall 10 minutes early.
All track of time is lost by now
All the kids are in study hall and I go to check on the squirrel who is in my living room. I take two of the big kids with me to capture it. Well we hear it behind the desk and then behind the sofa. Well I leave because I know this is sad to say, but I am truly afraid of squirrels, ever since I was a little girl I have been afraid of them, whole other blog entry.
Go back to my room and the door is closed. Open the door and the boys are in my bedroom on top of the other bed and one is on the ground with a broom and a trash can. After ten minutes of planning on how to trap the poor creature they finally do, and it is in my trash can with a shoe box of it.
The first boy leaves to go home, hallelujah!!
All the boys are gone.
Finally got the cheeseburger I had been craving for all day.

So this was my afternoon, I do not think anyone can beat that excitement? If you can please let me know.

Friday, May 14, 2010


I must say this week has gone by rather fast. With all the Mother´s Day celebrations on Monday, which was wonderful, and the kids being somewhat behaved it has been a nice week. I have really enjoyed my mornings once all is taken care of to just relax and read the magazines I was sent. Over the past few weeks I have really been missing my family. I am not sure why maybe because today makes 11 months that I have been in Mexico or I have not seen my parents since December. Anyway my nephew was born and he is amazing, my niece turned 7, my once best friend got married, and the other is getting married in a month, and my other friend is pregnant. I feel like I have missed out on some really big turning points in my friends´ lives. It is hard to hear all about the exciting news going on in the lives of friends and family, when I am here with no family. The community is as close to family I can have here, and they are wonderful and have made this experience truly amazing, but there is nothing better than spending time with the parents and siblings. I have really learned to enjoy my time with the family, since I have had so little. I was talking to a friend today the one getting married in a month, and I told her how sad I was to be missing everything, but she reminded me that all I am missing is happening to other people. My life here is mine and my experiences, and I will have these memories to cherish for the rest of my life. Like when I was attacked by 6 boys with permanent markers and they wrote all over me or when Noé asked me to stay another year, or the volunteers only have to say callate and I smile. Or when we get in trouble by Hno. Julian and we all just laugh. Or the tears I have shared with this community. It has all been worth it and my year here is almost up, but I will never forget the moments I have experienced here.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day

Today is mothers day and I must say that I am quite sad that I am not with my Mom. This is the first year I am not with here of close by to give her my love. I called her and my sister is with her as well as my niece and brother in law, but it is not the same. I have been thinking about her so much and how much she has encouraged me to be here. Whenever I have a problem even here in Mexico and yes I am 24 I call her for some comfort. Not always does she know what to say, but she always has an ear to listen, which is the most important thing. Lately I guess since I have not been in Florida and around my parents since December, I really miss them terribly. I find myself calling them a lot more and relaying on them for guidance and assistance. I have lived away from my parents and been independent, but I miss them so much. They have been such perfect role models to me it is hard for me not to miss them. So I talked with my mom and everyone, and then I went to pray had a good cry, and then my boys came back.

Well after mass Hno. Julian applauded all the mothers of the boys. Well, one boy Moises came up to me and said Happy Mothers Day, even though it is celebrated tomorrow here we still recognized the moms. Anyway Mosies came up to me and said Happy Mothers Day since you are like my mom, my Ginga Mom, and I could not help but laugh. He always calls me his Ginga so I was tickled when he called me his Ginga Mom. So after all my tears and crying of missing my mom, my boys here remind me of my job and the love that they have for me.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It´s HOT

After fighting with Alejandro, Arath, and Josué to do their homework, today they all finished during study hall. Josué ran up to me with the biggest smile on his face and proclaimed, "I finished my homework and all by myself:" It was such a great moment, and then Arath and Alejandro ran up to me as well, and said the same words. I had a moment where it felt like God was looking down and doing a dance for me, because I have been trying for months now to get these three to do their homework in study hall. They are all very intelligent but they all share the same problem, LAZINESS. None of them want to do any work all they want to do is play. So after study hall I gave them all a hug, told them will have recess finally instead of having to finish their homework, and I was just beaming with happiness. I felt like all my hard work finally paid off. It was just a perfect way to start the afternoon which is miserably HOT.

Speaking of being hot, I thought this past summer here was hard. But it is HOT, and miserable. I am just so tired all the time, now that I have no one to speak English to my brain is constantly in Spanish which is tiring. I want to sleep all the time, but I cannot because I am so miserably hot. And the kids are not wanting to go and play as they were in the beginning of the year, because it is so hot. We are running out of movies to watch, and I am running out of books to read. I am from the south and the heat usually does not bother me this much, but I think because I have heavily relied on A/C my whole life and I have always had access to a pool in the neighborhood or in my backyard. So now I must rely on fans, drinking water, and staying inside, and these little pieces of heaven called mangonadas/bolos which is nothing more than mango juice frozen or chocolate milk frozen in a bag and sold for 3 pesos. They are my life savers. I know that it is all part of the experience, but my Lord it is hot. And some rain would be nice, even though it is hard to get around in the rain, because the streets flood, my walkway floods, and then the dorms get water. And then the water just sits in front of our door because the drain is clogged with who knows what, the rain makes it chilly and I could use a bout of coldness. Well I must go and endure the heat for now have a great day all you people in A/C, and enjoy :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Funny Boys

So I have been thinking how incredible funny the boys are here. The things that come out of their months just cracks me up. The month or I do not remember when Josué refused to do his work. He kept telling me he was too tired, and I kept asking him how he was tired if he did none of his work in school or in study hall. So after 30 minutes or more of him refusing to do work because he was, "too tired" I told him he could go to sleep. It was 8:00, well he quickly changed his mind and told me that he was not tired, but his finger was tired. Again how a finger can be tired if beyond me, but the boy did no work all day so entirely impossible.

Or when we are just walking and a kid will burst out with some horrible bodily functions, and all the boys are just laughing at the boys who "did it." I just think it is funny to be around boys all the time. I mean their bad habits like spitting are really rubbing off on me. Or when they are running in an area where they are not supposed to be and then they fall, but they never get hurt they just laugh it off and we all laugh with him. Or when the boys are supposed to be showering and instead they are dancing in their towels. Or when they are in the shower or in the bathroom and they do not know that I am in the dorm and they start singing, I just love it. They just say and do the funniest things. I wish everyone who read this blog spoke Spanish, because the things that they say in Spanish just are not funny in English, you have to understand it to appreciate. Or when the boys are in line and one is not paying attention and all the others get on to him again for some reason is funny. I do not know why, maybe my quality of humor has gone down since I have been living with boys this whole time. I do not know all I know is when I was explaining to Gladys (ex-volunteer from last year) about the Josué thing we were just cracking up. Anyway if you are reading this and have children try and remember all the things they do funny, because later on it will really make you smile, like my kids do here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oh the water in Casa Hogar

Yesterday the water that we drink was tasting and smelling rather horrible. So Majo, Cesy and I decided to clean out the water dispenser. Well it smelled as if an animal crawled in the thing and died. So I suggested to use a bit of bleach to kill the smell and clean out the filtration system. Well Majo told me to use the way more bleach than I should have so we spent an hour pouring and draining water to clean out the system. And then I covered up the bleach smell with lemons, but then we had pure lemon water, and so I spent more time pouring and draining the water. Just another one of our bright ideas here in Casa Hogar.

Then I went to take a shower this morning and I have no water. So we have 5 girls now sharing a shower. Cesy and Angie have no hot water and will not have hot water because Felipe (the man who does and can fix everything) is having to break open all the cement with a sledgehammer and change all the pipes which look like they have been in the ground since 1900. So we are all sharing a shower which has no shower head the water just streams out like a hose. And in the same bathroom the handle is broken on the toilet so you have to lift the cover and pull the chain for the water to go down. So the water problems are huge right now, but at least we have clean water to drink that does not taste funny and I got to shower.

On other news, the boys have that end of the year itch and not wanting to do much in school or here. The weather is so nice all they want to do is play and have a good time. Which I cannot blame them, but I am tired tired tired. Especially when I have to fight with 11 boys to make sure they are where they are supposed to be and doing what they are supposed to be doing. So there is only 2 full months and a week left to go, and I am sure that each week will get harder, because I remember those last few weeks of school, and not wanting to do much then but God this is difficult. All I need is some patience to get me through these next 2 months, and a vacation to look forward to.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Changes in Casa Hogar

So I came back from my wonderful vacation with my sister and brother-in-law. And I mostly slept, relaxed, and enjoyed some amazing home cooked food. Well I came back on Wed. and all the volunteers were still on their vacation, so I just enjoyed my time here alone and relaxed some more, I never thought that I was so tired. I knew that I was ready to come back, and that was a good sign, and I was ready to see the boys and the volunteers. Well I was so happy to see the kids and the volunteers I was in tears just overjoyed and so emotional to be back home with my kids. I know this work was going to be tough, but I am really starting to think about the day when I actually have to leave my boys, and how sad and hard that is going to be for me. So I just have to continue to enjoy and take in as many positive things that I can. Well I have been thinking a lot about my next step in life, and I have gone back and forth with a lot of things but I think I have finally come up with something that will work out for me. And I know God will not lead me astray. So we shall see what is to come of that.

On another note, Elizabeth the other volunteer who came with me decided to leave and go home this past weekend. And so she said her goodbyes this morning to me at 4:00 a.m. and said her goodbyes to all the kids yesterday. It just all happened so fast I do not think that it has really hit me that I am the only one now representing Mi Casa and the U.S. here. But I have such a great support system here with the bothers, volunteers and my friends. And then at home I have so many people on my side and praying for me I think I will be just o.k. Actually I know that I will be fine, because God has never given me a challenge that I cannot handle, and this is yet another challenge and I know that I can get through it. I am actually excited to see all the changes around here, I will know be working with a different volunteer and I am the one in charge. And it is like I really have to step up to the plate these next 3 months. And I know that I can stick it out and just give as much love to the kids that they need, because that is really what it is all about, the boys and nothing more.

Monday, April 5, 2010


SO I am sitting in my sister's house in Texas and just thinking how amazing my life has turned out. I have really been trying to figure out my next move in life, but I have decided to stop tyring to make all kinds of plans, and just live. I need to stop focusing on what is going on happen and really enjoy these days with my boys. I will go back to Casa Hogar and only have three months left with my boys and my community. Although I have had some ups and downs with them, they have been my family and my support system here. They are the ones who I have gone to when I needed to have a good cry or when I was down they knew how to make me laugh. They have been wonderful to work with. And my boys have just been so amazing to me, everyday I thank God that I have 11 boys at night to tuck in, and tell I love you. This experience has changed my life in so many aspects. I really do not care where I am going to end up in three months, because I was given the best gift anyone could ever receive and that is my boys. I have really been thinking about them since I am here in the States and enjoying my vacation. I hope that they are doing the same with their families and friends. And hopefully staying out of trouble. So I can still say that these boys are just little angels who have been placed in my life, and they are so amazing.

Monday, March 29, 2010

You can`t always get what you want...

So today I woke up at 5:00 a.m. and could not go back to sleep. I have a bad tendency to not sleep and worry about things that I cannot change. Like having to wake up at 6:45 to go to pray this morning, when all of Mexico is on vacation, and I am working. Or the fact that my kids are here and not on vacation and they are here working like they always do. But I was in charge of pray today, and I had a small pray picked out the read. And the end said that we are always given what we need, not necesarily what we want. And then I started to think about the Rolling Stones song, "You Can`t always get what you want" and it all made sense. The more I have to work and the more I feel like a slave which I feel like all the time, the more appreciative of life I am. And the closer and closer I am getting with my kids. But this past few weeks have been really tiring with all the demands of my job. I am a mother to 11 boys, and they always come to me when they are in need. I mean with everything, if they need a band-aid, a notebook, to open the dorm, or a hug they always ask me. It can get really tiring, but at night I think of all the hugs and kisses I give out, and it is a lot. Alone at night I give all the boys a blessing and a kiss and hug and tell them how much I love them. And most of them now will not go to bed without their blessing, hug, kiss, and I love you. And so when I feel like I give so much of myself to the boys, at the end of the day their simple kiss and hug and them telling me how much they love me is really what my job is all about. And their love for me is the best gift I have ever recieved. Yes I wanted a two week vacation, but after prayer today this just all makes perfect sense to me. These kids really need me and they really love me, when I got on the bus to go to mass I had so many of the boys wanting me to sit with them and hug them. These boys are just such angels and little God sends to have in my life, I cannot imagine how my life will be without them. I just need to tough out these next three days and give the boys as much love as I can, because all they have for me is love. And no I cannot always get what I want, but I have 11 boys who are giving me the most love anyone has ever shown me, and right now that is EXACTLY what I need.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Texas Bound

So vacation is just around the corner and I am terribly missing the U.S and all of its amenities. I have forgotten has nice my freedom was in the states, and how simple we have made our lives to be. I do not have a car here so many times I have to take a bus, which is fine, but it takes about 20-30 minutes to get to the store. Or I have to go with the community which is fine, but we have to run all the errands at once, which means a ten minute trip to the store can be last two hours. So I am just frustrated with Mexico and the people. Plus it is extremely dangerous here right now, all of the highways are highly dangerous. Innocent people are getting killed all for money and drugs. And where are all these drugs going...the U.S. it just sickens me to hear about the innocent getting killed. Thank God I am going to Texas to spend some time with my sister I really need a break from Mexico right now.

On a good note though I wrote letters to my boys who had their retreats. And this was the first retreat for many of them. And the third graders let me kiss and hug them a lot more. And so they all piled on the bus and I was waving bye, and I felt like such a proud mother. When all the boys came back they all told me how much their letters meant to them, and many I was told were crying by the letters. So again I felt like I had accomplished something. We have the boys next week for three days and we are taking them to the pool and on a hike I just love when they get to do stuff they normally never get the chance to do. So wish me luck because there are no classes next week and I will be with them from the time we wake up to the time they go to bed. But I will be rewarded with a nice bus ride to Austin, Texas.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I was asked to write a story about one of my many adventures here in Casa Hogar, for the annual report for Mi Casa Foundation. So this is what I wrote and how one child has really changed my life.

The day I was told I would be in charge of Chicos B I had somewhat of an idea of the boys since I had spent some previous time with them over the summer. One of the smallest boys in the group is Noé; he was one of the smallest, but one of the brightest and toughest. His smile is so big and cheerful and two simples are absolutely perfectly set on his two cheeks.

Noé comes from a single mother, who works around the clock to keep her three boys fed, clothed, and happy. Noé lives in Casa Hogar with his little brother Alejandro while their sixteen year old brother is in his home with his mother. Well each day I found Noé to be the biggest challenge of Chicos B. Every day he was fighting with other boys or bothering the other boys, until they were forced to fight back. Every day Noé was teaching other boys how to fight like WWE wrestlers in the dorm or during recess. Not only was he fighting, but he has been in Casa Hogar for so many years he knows how to work the system and he was often the leader when all the other boys were in trouble. He either did not have recess or was given another punishment. If he was not fighting with another boy he was stealing. He stole everything from pencils to pens to movies from the store in front of Casa Hogar. Each time I asked why he felt compelled to steal he often looked the other way and was too ashamed to talk directly to me. Each day was a new challenge with Noé and it never seemed to end.

Every day I asked myself, “What is Noé going to do today?” and every day I had to come up with a new punishment for him. After talking to the psychologist and Brother Julian, (the Director) many, many times Elizabeth and I came up with a system of colors, green means very good behavior, yellow some but not many problems, and the dreadful red means the boy was in trouble in school, study hall or fighting. Red means bad behavior and the boy needs to n improve. Well little by little Noé was learning if he received greens and yellows we would have a prize and Coke to drink on Fridays. And little by little his behavior was improving. Now as the year is coming closer and closer to an end he has made leaps and bounds. He barely receives reds, his grades in school are improving, and he is just a joy to be around. His smile lights up my day all the time, and he has the sense of humor of a comedian.

One day after study hall he was leaving and we were both walking and he stopped me and asked if I was going to stay another year in Casa Hogar. And I had to tell him the truth that I needed to go to work. And then he asked me, “well can you stay in Saltillo, and visit me as much as you can because I am going to miss you and I love having you in Casa Hogar.” And I told him if I find a job here in Saltillo of course I would stay and visit him as much as possible. It was in that moment that I realized how far he had come, and how much I had made a difference on him. Many days here in Casa Hogar I have questioned myself and my purpose here, and that day Noé reaffirmed why God placed me in Casa Hogar.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty`s Day in Mexico

So Happy St. Patty`s day. And no it is not celebrated here in Saltillo but in Monterrey yes it is celebrated. So in the spirit of St. Patty I am going to teach my music class about music from Ireland. Looking forward to the day. The weather is great the boys are doing well minus the fact they never want to sleep at night. And this Friday we are celebrating the feast of Saint Joseph with a festival at school and a mini-olimpics in the afternoon. It should be tons of fun for all of us. I am looking forward to the kids not having to do homework and getting to play all afternoon. Then we are ending the night with mass and dinner. I will keep you all posted.

So this last weekend was a long weekend and it was great I went to a rodeo but it was really old school and Mexican and awesome. The men all had their old school outfits with huge sombreros and big saddles. I have been trying to experience as much of the culture here that I can in these my last few months. Which I cannot believe that this month is halfway over and then I get vacation which is much needed. So I have been eating nothing but Mexican and I am so over it, so if you want to send any food from the US it will be greatly appreciated. Hope you all have a great and safe St. Patty`s day, have a green beer for me!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Best Week Ever

Ok so let me just say this is the best week ever in Casa Hogar. Here is the rundown of my week.

Not one problem with the kids all are here except Gustavo who is sick.

Weather beautiful, flowers everywhere in Casa Hogar.
Went to Mass and there was no keyboard that they change to the Organ and it sounds like cats having sex. I am sorry to be so blunt, but we have cats on our roof who keep me up all night, and the music in the mass sounds just like that.
Then we had burritos for lunch, and let me just say I have been waiting for burritos since before Christmas.
Again no problems with the boys.
Weather again gorgeous.
Mass was about 20 minutes long.
Lunch was really good chicken.
Music class with the big kids actually went fairly well.
The boys were great.

I told Elizabeth we are going to eat cereal for Breakfast and we did. Well the food in Casa Hogar is hardly edible, but the breakfast is another thing if is not eggs which are a slight shade of green in salsa, it is cheese that does not melt in salsa, and we have to fight with the kids to eat it. And the coffee has about a pound of coffee grinds in it, it is impossible to drink without grinds in your teeth.
So then I told Eliza we are not going to have the fake organ again, and lo and behold we didn´t even have Mass. This was a tiny miracle for me. I am a tad sick of going to mass everyday with the same people and the same songs, and I cannot understand the priest because he does not speak clearly. So all the volunteers were ecstatic that there was no mass.
So then I cleaned the Paper Room and it was a nice but challenging task.
Then I wanted to go to the store, but I checked to see what was for lunch and it was Hamburgers. Thank you Jesus.
All of our kids finished their homework on time.
The medioanos enjoyed their music class.
Our boys got haircuts and I did not have to do it for once.
And it was just a really easy day.

Another day of beautiful weather.
Mass for 25 minutes.
Have nothing to do but relax and wait for my Religion Class with the little kids in the afternoon.

Right now life in Casa Hogar is amazing. And I have a three day weekend to look forward to, which is always a bonus, and the volunteers want to go on a trip so Casa Hogar will hopefully be all mine for a few hours. It just gets better and better every day. I did not realize how the little things can really affect me, but they do. For instance eating a Casa Hogar burrito is not much of a burrito at all, but it really made my day. So I need to appreciate the little things in life. And not having mass make me somewhat appreciate it the following day. And since Eliza cannot run and I don´t want to run alone, because the crime rate has gone up and the drug dealers have been up to no good lately. Eliza and I have been going on a date every morning. We walk to the 7-11 which is about 20 minutes away buy a cappuccino and just talk about everything from our kids to our crazy ex-boyfriends. It is our coffee date. And then we have been coming back and ready to work. She has been slaving in the Medicine Room and me in the Paper Room. But it is very rewarding in the end. So I cannot do anything but smile this week and the kids are in great spirits as well.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Bull Fight

This past weekend I went to the Bull Fight with my friend Julio. Since I saw the posters around Saltillo I had been wanting to go, and so we bought our tickets and Saturday headed to the Plaza. This was not something that I wanted to miss, it was on a check list of things to do here in Mexico. So we went and fought our way to the seats because it was general admission. Once we were settled we listened to the music for awhile, and at exactly 4:30 the man came out with his plaque telling us the information about the bull. Well for the first bull I was not ok seeing the bull being stabbed in the back and then repeatedly stabbed and thankfully the bull was directly in front of us so I could not see the poor bull falling to his death. But I still cried and Julio asked if I wanted to leave, but I said I could handle it. So then Pablo Hermoso came out on his horse and he is the best in the world. To see him it was definitely an art form. And then finally my favorite matador came out, and he was amazing. Imagine a really tiny Mexican kneeling while the bull is charging at him full speed. He had a way about him the bulls were completely calm and tranquil. He had a way to mesmerize the bulls. Well it was a wonderful time, once I got over the fact that it is a bit inhumane. It was definitely something I suggest to see. I know that I will never forget my first bull fight, or my last. To me it was a one time thing.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spring Time

Well I cannot believe it is already March. 2010 is going by so fast, I remember being a child and I thought time was so slow. I never listened to adults who were always talking about the time, and how kids grow up so fast. Well I believe them now, the time here is going by so fast. I remember the first day I arrived here and in September I never thought I would make it to March. But the weather is warming up a lot, which is so nice we can go outside in jeans and a light sweater. And today there are three trees in Casa Hogar with flowers, so Spring is on its way. Now I can only wait for the time when t-shirts and shorts will be perfect. The change in the weather really makes a difference in our kids as well. They are in better spirits when they can run around outside without a huge jacket. The boys are doing great one of our oldest moved up to Medianos and is doing well, and we now have a new boy Gustavo who is gorgeous. He is the cutest little thing with light brown eyes and a chipped front tooth. But he is so handsome it does not matter. He is a little joy to have in Chicos B. Our kids are getting bigger by the day. And day by day their conduct is getting better which is always a plus. It is crazy how these boys are, one day they are on their best behavior and the next we never know what to expect. But they are just so damn cute, and they do things which they are not supposed to and I find myself laughing, (of course they don´t see me smiling at them) but it is just so cute. Alejandro has cleaned out his mouth, Josué is working in school and estudios, Thank God! And the fighting has gone down immensely. We have a great system that works really well, and the boys are reaping the benefits. Chicos B is truly my home. The boys are so special to me I cannot believe I only have 4 more months with them. But watching them grow this past year has really be amazing, I feel like a proud mother of 11.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday

So today is Ash Wednesday as you all know. And we went to mass as we do everyday. Well once the Ashes were blessed the Priest sat down. I was confused but then everyone got in line and put the ashes on themselves. At first I was a little taken back, but then I got in line and place the ashes on my forehead, and it was such a nice feeling. I mean this is a day for me to repent and remember the whole reason we have Easter. It was a totally different experience for anything else I have ever experienced. So then we had a little prayer service for the kids in school. And I had to help pass out the ashes and again I got this wonderful feeling inside. And Hno. Carlos explained to the kids about today and why we receive ashes, and I have grown up Catholic so I know why, but to hear it explained in the way he did was really interesting. He was explaining it to the fifth and sixth grade so he was on their level, but it was so simply put it made me realize Jesus did all these things for me, so that I could have life. And without him I would not be here today. So I can give up chocolate and cigarettes for forty days. Because he made the ultimate sacrifice for me. Oh and I was wondering why the ashes here are grey and of course I asked and I am not sure if we do this in the states. But here they use palms and they also use all the old missals or old Bibles. Because their concept is you cannot throw out the Word of God. And it is these simple things that I heard today which really made a huge difference in my preparation for Easter. But I think that is the beauty of my job here sometimes we are too busy to hear the little things that God is trying to tell us.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bad Movies and Broke Down Suburbans :(

So this past weekend the family of one of the other volunteers came to visit. And it was nice to have other people here and new faces. Plus they brought home cooked food which is always a plus. We rarely have food in the fridge here except for the cheese and tortillas. Cereal has become my best friend lately. But only with soy milk, because the milk here is never refrigerated and it grosses me out. But this past weekend I got to do some relaxing and I watched a movie, The Lovely Bones, highly DON´T recommend it the book is fascinating but the movie is horrible.

As for my kids they had progressively gotten better as the past week went by. And it made for a nice Friday. Hopefully this week will not be as stressful. One of our volunteers sadly needs back surgery, so I do not think she will be returning for the remainder of the year. And I just pray she has a quick and safe recovery. With one person not here the whole dynamics of the group changes. But now we all have a seat in our Eurovan which is a blessing :) Speaking of our trusty Eurovan it is our only means of transportation right now. Our Suburban broke down on Saturday in Torreon. So now we have to rely on the Eurovan which is not saying too much. Hopefully it will not break down as well. It barely starts in the morning. We have to think of a project here in Casa Hogar, for example in the past they asked for a Library for the kids, a roof over the cement field so the kids can play in the rain, and we asked for a new car. But immediately got shut down. Maybe someone will donate us something this year, but more than likely no. Well I am off the nap I am battling a sore throat and I do not want a cold.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another week in Casa Hogar

So this week has been very draining. On top of my normal work, I had to make a Powerpoint about San Miguel Febres, because we celebrated his death of 100 years. Well making a Powerpoint in Spanish about a Saint I had never heard of was rather interesting. I know now all about San Miguel. Well it was really stressful, and it had to be perfect, and the boys were I don´t want to say horrible, but they were close. It is like they go home for less than 48 hours and come back with no rules, and terrible attitudes. So it is like we have to reteach them all we have taught them like rules and not to be rude. So this past Monday and Tuesday was really hard on Elizabeth because I was working on the presentation, and she was alone. And when one of us are alone the boys know how to make it just that much harder on us. They are very smart :) but on the bright side Alejandro drew me a bunch of flowers and Arath drew me a picture of the Virgin Mary. So that was cool. And tomorrow is Friday and there are only two volunteers this weekend so I have Casa Hogar to pretty much myself which I love. And this weekend I have nothing at all to do which is always a plus. And on Sunday hopefully the will come back in a better mood than this past week.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I have never doubted that I need to be here, and this has been a rather easy year for me thus far. Mexico is a totally different world that I am used to, but I have embraced many of their traditions, customs, and practices. But I have had to grow accustomed to them. For instance when I walk into a room of people, I must always introduce myself to EVERYONE and the same for when I leave. Or the use of injections here is crazy. When a person has a cold they get an injection of some type, and I have no idea what it is, but I cannot imagine giving myself a shot for the cold. or anytime at that matter. And they have this tradition that is slowly growing on me about Baby Jesus. Our Christmas in my house is over usually the day after Christmas, well this year we went a few day after, when our Christmas Tree fell over, was when our Christmas in the Kelly Family was officially over. But here Christmas I feel like just ended last week. But all in all this has really been a great experience. And I have made a few changes with my work and I love it. For one my Religion Class is amazing with the littlest boys, that just make me smile. The other day we were playing Bingo, and when each kid won they shouted "buenas," well there is a little boy, Jodi who is a little chubby and has no teeth, and there is always a story to be told about him. Well he did not realize he had three in a row. So I told him, and he yelled out, "Presente" well the whole class just laughed, and he was just laughing along with them. It just made my day to have a class of boys all laughing in unison over a word. And it really made me appreciate my kids and this experience. Sometimes it is the little things in life that can really have a great effect on a person.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What to do next?

As I was sitting in Church, I keep feeling pull for me to figure out my next move in life. I do not know where or what, but I am feeling the same calling I was feeling this time last year. So I have been searching for another place to go and help and do God´s work. Right now I have a really good feeling about where I want to go and do. And the program just sounds perfect for me. The only problem is this little thing I have called, "Student Loans." Oh how reality really knows how to creep in at the perfect time. I can defer them, but it is inevitable that I will have to eventually get a job that pays money. But I do not want money to be the factor as to why I cannot go and do God´s work. This is my time to serve, and I am willing to serve more and more. This life of helping others is not over in August, when I leave Casa Hogar I find this as just the beginning to a long life of servitude.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One Crazy Monday

So I am surprised that I have found the time to write. But we are celebrating Hno. Genaro´s entrance into the brotherhood today, so I have an hour to collect my thoughts from yesterday, which by the way was crazy. I will give you a quick rundown, Elizabeth was sick, so I was all alone. The morning was pretty normal, oh no it was not, so the kids are in line to go to eat in the comedor, and I always serve the milk, so I went in the kitchen and the lights were turned off. So There was no food prepared, the lady who cooks in the morning was sick. So Chio and I frantically start pouring bowls of cereal, and milk, while Cesy is heating up the beans to put on some bread. Then we go back to the dorms, and Josué is hitting another child who does not fight back, so I took all his stuff and put him in the other dorm with our big kids of Chicos B, because he cannot fight with them, they will instantly punch him back. So then I walk him to school, go to Church, go to morning prayer, we had our meeting yesterday since Hno. Julian was out of town on Sunday. Then I take Goretti to physical therapy for an hour and a half, then I come back to Casa Hogar to talk to the psychologist because of all the problems we are having with Josué, and he received another report in school, and if he gets one more he is suspended. So then I had to make our conduct chart, because I could not find it on the computer. Then I found time to eat a bowl of cereal. Then I went to read, and I passed out for an hour. I woke up just in time to open the dorms, and wait for my kids. I checked that they all wrote their homework, then we went to eat. When we came back, Goyo cleaned the dorms so I did not have to fight about the boys doing their chores. So the kids went to estudios, I went to the paper room for supplies. Then after the paper room, I had to go to the ropería, because some of our kids needed clothes, shoes, and socks. Well the ladies in the ropería for some reason do not like giving out clothes, and it is always a hassle. So I had to go searching for old uniforms of kids that left which were in my dorm, in my room, and in the laundry room. And they were not going to give Martín who lives with his brother, who is on drugs, and has no money. The poor child needs clothes, and does not have jeans for Friday to wear to school. So I argued with the women begging to give him a pair of jeans and told them his situation, and they give him a pair finally. So then Alejandro´s shoes were too big from the week before, so I went to exchange them. Well Angie, one of the other volunteers would not let him out of her estudios class, because he had to study. Poor Alejandro was in estudios for two hours, come on what 9 year old has that attention span. So the women in the clothes room are yelling at me to bring Alejandro, Martín is explaining to them he is not allowed to leave the classroom. And I am just ready to get the heck out of there. So then we had a brother pass away in another area of town, so 5 boys from each dorm had to go in their uniforms. Well their uniforms were in the laundry room. Some were being ironed, some were in the dryer-wet, and some were ready. So I run to the dorm, have the boys change wash their hands, but on lotion, gel their hair, brush their teeth, polish their shoes, and run to the bus, just in time to go. So then I find 30 minutes to eat another bowl of cereal, and take a shower in Majo´s room, because I was again without water. So then I go straight from my shower to the laundry room, to the dorm all the kids were great and cleaned their space really well, then I went to the comedor, served milk again and Camilo served cake someone had donated, but did not look too appetizing. So then I go to help in the game room, when the kids from the mass arrived, and needed to change. So I went back to the dorm waited for them to shower, clean their space, and then we went back to the comedor to eat. Then I got all the kids in line for mass, but I was missing two, Josué no surprise and Andrés. Well I went to look for them with Cesy, and they were in the soccer field by the pile of branches Hno. Genaro was burning they did not even realize the bell had rung, and I was with the other kids feeding them. So after Cesy yell´s at them, thank God she did the talking, I was too tired to think at this point. We go to prayer, then we go to the dorms, all the kids get in bed quickly. And finally I had a minute to breath. But it was all in another days work here at Casa Hogar.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Josué and warm weather

So this past week I have had numerous problems with Josué, my 10 year old who refuses to do anything. He will not do his work in school, (and he is failing just about everything), he will not do his in chores in the dorms, his does not do his homework, the list just goes on and on. It started on Monday and it just has not stopped he has been kicked out of estudios twice this week. And he is just not doing anything. I am at my wits end with him. His attitude is worse now than it was at the beginning of the year. His mother does not care about him, and his father is not really in the picture. But Josué is just not learning from his mistakes, the consequences he receives do not work. It is as if he has just given up. This past week I have been restless at night thinking about him, and what I can do to help him, but nothing works. I have gone to Hno. Julian many times and he knows that nothing is working for Josué. Josúe is very smart and is capable of doing all the work in school he just is lazy and it does not help that he does not want to live here anymore because he is given responsibilities that he does not have at home. I am just lost as to what to do with him.

But I went to mass today and it was nice, I felt a sense of calmness during Eucharist. And I know that everything will work out with Josué hopefully. God has not given me any challenge that has been to difficult. But Josué is a constant challenge right now in my life. And I often feel like I am failing at my job because Josué is my responsibility, but after many many talks with him, he is just not willing to do the work or any of his responsibilities here in Casa Hogar. Hopefully next week we can start over with him and I will figure out another system that works for him, because our color system which is working for everyone is not working for him.

On another great note the weather here has been relatively nice we have not seen snow or ice in almost two weeks. I can go outside in jeans, a shirt, and a fleece. So I am happy, because being a Southern Girl I do not like this cold weather. My blood is too thin for this cold weather. But I was told that the weather changes back and forth all through Feb. so wish me luck, that I can endure this terrible weather. Thank you God for the SUN and WARMTH we have had all week hopefully there will more in the weeks to come. And next week is festejos where we celebrate all the birthdays of each month, and it is my favorite day. So far we have had movies, we went to a park, we had a carnival, and so much more. I love it because the boys get to be boys and play all afternoon. And they are always on their best behavior. So I will let ya´ll know how that goes. Peace and God Bless!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What a GREAT Thursday

So my goal is to write once a week, and I am surprised I found the time to write again. But today was such a great day for me and my kids. First my kids were just so wonderful, well it is Thursday so we have our ups and downs, but today I don´t know what it is but I just starting figuring some things out in my life, and I know that I made the right decision to come here. So we started the year with a new system for our kids for their conduct, and so far it is working. We have three stickers: green- great, yellow- ok, and red-bad. Well the kids are really taking to it, so that is nice. Every morning the kids have been checking to see what they received, and it is just so cute. So I feel that at least I am doing something right. So all my kids went to school, and I went to Walmart with all the volunteers it was fun, but we were there for two hours, and I was ready to get home. So I get home and a hour later our kids came back, well two had with reports for fighting, but after they all went to eat we had very little problems. It was a very easy afternoon.

So then I went to to religion class, and I had to switch from the big kids who I love to the youngest bunch, and I was a little apprehensive about it. But I walked into the room and the boys just lite up with smiles when they saw me. They were so excited to see me, and so I got really excited for the class. The mom who teaches it is great with the kids and the kids were perfect. We played a matching game, and they wanted me right in there with them. I really just felt at home in the classroom. So all day my one child, Alejandro who is my favorite even though we are not supposed to have them, he was the one who gave me the most trouble when we arrived, but he is a little angel now. And we just joke and laugh and he hugs me all the time. I am just so filled with love it is hard to explain. So last night Alejandro told me he loved me, and here in Mexico there are two ways to say I love you, "Te quiero, and te amo" well my little Alejandro was all te amo, and he just told me how he felt about me. And I now know how it is to feel the love of having a child. These are my children and I treat them as if they were my own. And everyday I grow closer and closer to them and this experience becomes more and more real to me. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me in the months to come. And I am anxiously waiting to see what is to come in my life as well. As all of my friends get married, and I am here in Mexico sometimes I question if this was the right move, but then I see my kids smiling at me and telling me how much I mean to them. And then I snap back to my reality of my kids, and this is my life. I have never been one to follow I have always done my own thing, and so going to college, getting married and having kids is what many people think is the perfect plan, but I am just going to go with the one God has for me, and if I am supposed to do more missions in the years or months to come, I will be ready for it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I´m back

It has been way too long since my last post. But December in Casa Hogar was crazy we had about 11 parties for the boys, where they recieved many presents, candies, and tamales. It was fun, but I was ready for a vacation. I had a wonderful time with my friends and family and I was able to relax alot. But by the last couple of days I was ready to come back to Casa Hogar, I missed my kids. And so I made my journey back, and yes it was a journey I left for the airport at 1:30 to find out my flight was running late, and so I missed my flight to Mexico, spent the night in a hotel in Texas, went to the airport at 12 waited 5 hours to hear that my flight was canceled, so I flew to Monterrey, waited an hour for a ride, and finally made it back to Saltillo at 12. Without my luggage which was God knows where for 2 days. But it was all worth it. I missed my family of volunteers and the Brothers. And when I heard my first child yell my name, I was oh so happy. I had waited two weeks for my kids to yell, "Katy" and it was pure joy. So the kids came back last Wednesday night, and by Friday we heard a tap on the window, and school was cancelled, due to snow. I never thought I would see snow here, but I did, and it snowed all day. So we watched many movies and just tried to stay as warm as possible. But it was a pretty sight to see, but I could not get and stay warm. I was wearing two jackets, tights, jeans, sweaters hats, gloves. You name it I was wearing it. Then the kids all went home and I had a nice relaxing weekend with my friends sleeping and trying to stay warm. Sometimes it is colder inside than out thanks to every house being made solely of concrete. My goal is to write more on my blog, and since I will not be running because it is just too dang cold you will be getting more and more info about the fabulous life of Casa Hogar.