Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It has been awhile since I have been on here. But it just seems that there is very little time to sit and reflect on the day. First off Elizabeth and I have come to realize that Tuesdays are going to be the toughest day of the week for us. And we thought Thursdays were weird, but no it is definetly Tuesdays. So yesterday 3 boys came home from school with reports, and after 3 reports the children are suspended or asked to leave the school. If the kids cannot got to our school they cannot live here in Casa Hogar or something close to that. It all just depends on the child. But it was a really bad thing that all the kids got reports. Then we have our new child Alejandro, and man is he a pistol. His answer to just about everything is a cuss word or NO. Hopefully his attitude will change because not only is he rude to Elizabeth and I but also the Brothers, which is not acceptable. So anyway Elizabeth and I have to remind ourselves of all the wonderful things we have in our lives here to get through our Tuesdays, and we just laugh ourselves till we hurt.

On another note Elizabeth and I had to do a presentation to a school and tell them about being Missioners. Well first off I have a hard time with the word missioner, because I see myself as a volunteer and not so much a missioner. But anyway it was a great experience to talk about what has brought me to this part of my life, and how my faith has grown. And of course the first questions out of the kids mouths were, "Tienes novio?" Elizabeth and got a huge laugh yet again. But it really was a new experience because I usually do not go around telling people my story about my life and especially not in Español, but I am happy I went and shared the a part of my life with others.

Today we had our first futbol game here in Casa Hogar with the Grandes and it is very exciting. To see them play in a field of rocks and tall grass I remember watching the guys at St. Stanislaus play and how amazing they were, but they have nothing compared to the boys of Casa Hogar. For staters the boys here do not use shin guards or cleets. And like I sid they are in a field of dust, dirt, rocks, and really tall grass. They are all very talented players and could take on any high school futbol team in the US. But now I am off for a nap I have had a long day, and another tomorrow, because I am going to Monterrey to get my stuff for the race on Sat. Yes I am running a 10k on Sat please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

More Things I love about Mexico

11. When it rains there is no Internet, and not just in Casa Hogar I mean the whole city.
12. While driving I have noticed there are NO lanes, people just go where they want.
13. Walmart is NOT the same as the Walmart in the States.
14. Hamburgers always, always come with Ham on top.
15. Work out clothes are an anomaly.
16. Roosters live next door, and we are in the middle of the city.
17. Oh when it rains here no one goes outside, the city becomes a ghost town.
18. There are only 6 radio stations the perfect number for Presets in the car.
19. There is no Pepper on the table ever, only Salt (which is essential in my diet now).
20. The fruit and vegetables taste delicious because they are without pesticides.
21. Everyone here seems to know everyone else or they are all kin.
22. We have the most beautiful Sunrises and Sunsets, it really looks as if God is breathing life onto the Earth each morning as the sun comes over the Mountains. And at night there is a blanket of pastel colors he uses to protect us from harm, they are breathtaking.

As the years go on I will continue with more updates but for now I am sure you have the idea of how much I love Mexico and all its little quirks.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Viva Mexico

There are just some things about Mexico that I am learning to love so here they are and in no particular order...

1. Every three or four days I have no water.
2. All sliced meet is jamòn.
3. Laundry detergent is used as hand soap, dish soap, and cleaning soap.
4. Pinol can probably cure cancer they live by it.
5. There are about 10 numbers needed to place a phone call depending on who and how you are calling.
6. Every grocery store also sells Televisions.
7. There are millions of speed bumps.
8. It is perfectly acceptable to have 9 people in a VW Golf.
9. The refrigerater is not for food just a place to put magnets.
10. Time does not exist here.

I have a lot more to share but right now I am off to la lavanderìa.