Monday, December 7, 2009

Memorable Day

So yesterday was my birthday, and I am not a big fan. I do not like the fact that I am now 24 one year closer to a quarter of a century. And for 2 years in a row my parents forgot that my birthday existed. So anyway, yesterday was great I stayed in bed till 11, had a delicious meal with the community. And then my boys came back to me. In the night we had a little fiesta in their dorm. And the kids all sang to me in English and it was so beautiful, I almost started crying. And all day long I was being told, "feliz cumple" it was just so comforting. And then I checked my facebook and I had like 50 "happy birthdays" and that is so nice and I received some great emails from the family. Although it is just a post on facebook, it really means a lot, because sometimes I feel so disconnected from the entire world here. And it is not that I am in some hut in Mexico it is just I am surrounded by kids all the time and they are my top priority now in my life.
I try to keep up with the news, but time is limited here and I would rather be reading in my room than reading about universal heathcare. And since none of what is going on in the U.S. is really affecting me I have just been really disconnected. But it has actually been really nice. I have no money, no car, and no worries here. My only responsibility is my 10 boys. And they are all being on their best behavior because we have posadas which are Christmas Fiestas. So starting tomorrow the kids have a different posada each night for the 2 weeks. It should be really fun. So me preparing for Christmas this year is making sure my boys don´t eat too much junk food and sugar and actually going to bed. I am looking more and more forward to it. And although I am going home for two weeks, I am going to deeply miss my kids. I see them 6 days a week and they are my everything right now. I worry that some will not return after Christmas, like Luis and this is week 3 without him here. And we have no way of getting in touch with him, because the phone numbers are all turned off. So I have given him to God and I pray that he is being taken care of. And I hope he returns after the Holidays.
So this week started off beautifully with my birthday party in the dorms and 4 posadas to look forward to.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Spirtual High Part 2

So if you have been following you will know that I am on a Spiritual High. And each and every day just get better and better. I have never been this happy and full of life. And my boys for the most part are being awesome. There are posadas coming up which are just a bunch of Christmas parties for the kids. And the boys must be on their best behavior if they want to attend. So they have been great and even going the extra mile to help in the dorm. It has been really nice.

They are waiting for Christmas just as we all are, but this year is different for me. I do not have the stress of buying presents because I am poor, and my family gets to see me for Christmas, (which I think is a great present hahaha). All I have for Christmas is my 10 beautiful boys, and I could not ask for anything else. They truly are the best present and this experience as well is the be present in my life. And they have taught me more about myself in 4 months that I have learned in 24 years. I have more patience with them than any other person I have encountered. And that is one of my flaws my short patience. But with them it is totally different. I feel like I have the patience of JOB. Now not all the time because sometimes I find myself praying for patience when they are in line and Martín and Daniel are constantly playing. But they wait for me and my Spanish to come out, and I know that they know how much I love them. God is truly working miracles in my life more and more every day. And my kids just put a smile on my face all the time. Especially the other night when we were in prayer in the dorm and Elizabeth takes one dorm and I have the other, and I have had the little kids lately, and Josué was singing "Navidad Navidad, Navi, Navi-dad es un dia de alegría y felicidad" oh and it is their version of Jingle Bells so try and imagine. So then I got all excited and wanted to learn and the next thing I know we are all huddled around singing "Navidad, Navidad" it was so cute. Those little moments here in Casa Hogar are what makes the biggest impact to me.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Spirtual High

So can I just say I have been on a Spirtual High since my last bad Monday. It seems that everything happen for a reason. And I have figured out a lot of things in the month of November. I finally got the reason why God wanted me to be here. And so much more. My relationship with God has definently changed this past month. At one point I was down because I was searching and I was not getting answers, but this past week and the week before it is like everything is just all working out. I have learned I can take care of the kids all by myself, and it has been really rewarding to have 12 kids calling my name all the time needing shampoo, gel, toothpaste, etc. I ahve gotten closer to the kids in this past week then I have the past 4 months I have been here with them. God does not give us more than we can handle. I have a great person working by side, I have 10 beautiful boys (we lost 2 last week :( I`ll get to that) I have an amazing relationship with God, and I have made some really amazing friends here who are like my family. I really have no complaints, minus the food. Oh and I did prayer all by myself in the Chapel with all the volunteers and it was as if God has speaking through me. For the first time I was able to explain my story to the volunteers and why I am here. My Spanish was perfect the prayer was perfect, the whole moment was perfect.

Then two days later it was Thanksgiving, well we do not have it here obviously, and I was a little down. But in the night Elizabeth and I explained Thanksgiving to the kids, and my little Alejandro wanted to give thanks for ME. It is a Thanksgiving moment I will never forget, and it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you God for the little moments like that.