Thursday, January 28, 2010

What to do next?

As I was sitting in Church, I keep feeling pull for me to figure out my next move in life. I do not know where or what, but I am feeling the same calling I was feeling this time last year. So I have been searching for another place to go and help and do God´s work. Right now I have a really good feeling about where I want to go and do. And the program just sounds perfect for me. The only problem is this little thing I have called, "Student Loans." Oh how reality really knows how to creep in at the perfect time. I can defer them, but it is inevitable that I will have to eventually get a job that pays money. But I do not want money to be the factor as to why I cannot go and do God´s work. This is my time to serve, and I am willing to serve more and more. This life of helping others is not over in August, when I leave Casa Hogar I find this as just the beginning to a long life of servitude.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One Crazy Monday

So I am surprised that I have found the time to write. But we are celebrating Hno. Genaro´s entrance into the brotherhood today, so I have an hour to collect my thoughts from yesterday, which by the way was crazy. I will give you a quick rundown, Elizabeth was sick, so I was all alone. The morning was pretty normal, oh no it was not, so the kids are in line to go to eat in the comedor, and I always serve the milk, so I went in the kitchen and the lights were turned off. So There was no food prepared, the lady who cooks in the morning was sick. So Chio and I frantically start pouring bowls of cereal, and milk, while Cesy is heating up the beans to put on some bread. Then we go back to the dorms, and Josué is hitting another child who does not fight back, so I took all his stuff and put him in the other dorm with our big kids of Chicos B, because he cannot fight with them, they will instantly punch him back. So then I walk him to school, go to Church, go to morning prayer, we had our meeting yesterday since Hno. Julian was out of town on Sunday. Then I take Goretti to physical therapy for an hour and a half, then I come back to Casa Hogar to talk to the psychologist because of all the problems we are having with Josué, and he received another report in school, and if he gets one more he is suspended. So then I had to make our conduct chart, because I could not find it on the computer. Then I found time to eat a bowl of cereal. Then I went to read, and I passed out for an hour. I woke up just in time to open the dorms, and wait for my kids. I checked that they all wrote their homework, then we went to eat. When we came back, Goyo cleaned the dorms so I did not have to fight about the boys doing their chores. So the kids went to estudios, I went to the paper room for supplies. Then after the paper room, I had to go to the ropería, because some of our kids needed clothes, shoes, and socks. Well the ladies in the ropería for some reason do not like giving out clothes, and it is always a hassle. So I had to go searching for old uniforms of kids that left which were in my dorm, in my room, and in the laundry room. And they were not going to give Martín who lives with his brother, who is on drugs, and has no money. The poor child needs clothes, and does not have jeans for Friday to wear to school. So I argued with the women begging to give him a pair of jeans and told them his situation, and they give him a pair finally. So then Alejandro´s shoes were too big from the week before, so I went to exchange them. Well Angie, one of the other volunteers would not let him out of her estudios class, because he had to study. Poor Alejandro was in estudios for two hours, come on what 9 year old has that attention span. So the women in the clothes room are yelling at me to bring Alejandro, Martín is explaining to them he is not allowed to leave the classroom. And I am just ready to get the heck out of there. So then we had a brother pass away in another area of town, so 5 boys from each dorm had to go in their uniforms. Well their uniforms were in the laundry room. Some were being ironed, some were in the dryer-wet, and some were ready. So I run to the dorm, have the boys change wash their hands, but on lotion, gel their hair, brush their teeth, polish their shoes, and run to the bus, just in time to go. So then I find 30 minutes to eat another bowl of cereal, and take a shower in Majo´s room, because I was again without water. So then I go straight from my shower to the laundry room, to the dorm all the kids were great and cleaned their space really well, then I went to the comedor, served milk again and Camilo served cake someone had donated, but did not look too appetizing. So then I go to help in the game room, when the kids from the mass arrived, and needed to change. So I went back to the dorm waited for them to shower, clean their space, and then we went back to the comedor to eat. Then I got all the kids in line for mass, but I was missing two, Josué no surprise and Andrés. Well I went to look for them with Cesy, and they were in the soccer field by the pile of branches Hno. Genaro was burning they did not even realize the bell had rung, and I was with the other kids feeding them. So after Cesy yell´s at them, thank God she did the talking, I was too tired to think at this point. We go to prayer, then we go to the dorms, all the kids get in bed quickly. And finally I had a minute to breath. But it was all in another days work here at Casa Hogar.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Josué and warm weather

So this past week I have had numerous problems with Josué, my 10 year old who refuses to do anything. He will not do his work in school, (and he is failing just about everything), he will not do his in chores in the dorms, his does not do his homework, the list just goes on and on. It started on Monday and it just has not stopped he has been kicked out of estudios twice this week. And he is just not doing anything. I am at my wits end with him. His attitude is worse now than it was at the beginning of the year. His mother does not care about him, and his father is not really in the picture. But Josué is just not learning from his mistakes, the consequences he receives do not work. It is as if he has just given up. This past week I have been restless at night thinking about him, and what I can do to help him, but nothing works. I have gone to Hno. Julian many times and he knows that nothing is working for Josué. Josúe is very smart and is capable of doing all the work in school he just is lazy and it does not help that he does not want to live here anymore because he is given responsibilities that he does not have at home. I am just lost as to what to do with him.

But I went to mass today and it was nice, I felt a sense of calmness during Eucharist. And I know that everything will work out with Josué hopefully. God has not given me any challenge that has been to difficult. But Josué is a constant challenge right now in my life. And I often feel like I am failing at my job because Josué is my responsibility, but after many many talks with him, he is just not willing to do the work or any of his responsibilities here in Casa Hogar. Hopefully next week we can start over with him and I will figure out another system that works for him, because our color system which is working for everyone is not working for him.

On another great note the weather here has been relatively nice we have not seen snow or ice in almost two weeks. I can go outside in jeans, a shirt, and a fleece. So I am happy, because being a Southern Girl I do not like this cold weather. My blood is too thin for this cold weather. But I was told that the weather changes back and forth all through Feb. so wish me luck, that I can endure this terrible weather. Thank you God for the SUN and WARMTH we have had all week hopefully there will more in the weeks to come. And next week is festejos where we celebrate all the birthdays of each month, and it is my favorite day. So far we have had movies, we went to a park, we had a carnival, and so much more. I love it because the boys get to be boys and play all afternoon. And they are always on their best behavior. So I will let ya´ll know how that goes. Peace and God Bless!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What a GREAT Thursday

So my goal is to write once a week, and I am surprised I found the time to write again. But today was such a great day for me and my kids. First my kids were just so wonderful, well it is Thursday so we have our ups and downs, but today I don´t know what it is but I just starting figuring some things out in my life, and I know that I made the right decision to come here. So we started the year with a new system for our kids for their conduct, and so far it is working. We have three stickers: green- great, yellow- ok, and red-bad. Well the kids are really taking to it, so that is nice. Every morning the kids have been checking to see what they received, and it is just so cute. So I feel that at least I am doing something right. So all my kids went to school, and I went to Walmart with all the volunteers it was fun, but we were there for two hours, and I was ready to get home. So I get home and a hour later our kids came back, well two had with reports for fighting, but after they all went to eat we had very little problems. It was a very easy afternoon.

So then I went to to religion class, and I had to switch from the big kids who I love to the youngest bunch, and I was a little apprehensive about it. But I walked into the room and the boys just lite up with smiles when they saw me. They were so excited to see me, and so I got really excited for the class. The mom who teaches it is great with the kids and the kids were perfect. We played a matching game, and they wanted me right in there with them. I really just felt at home in the classroom. So all day my one child, Alejandro who is my favorite even though we are not supposed to have them, he was the one who gave me the most trouble when we arrived, but he is a little angel now. And we just joke and laugh and he hugs me all the time. I am just so filled with love it is hard to explain. So last night Alejandro told me he loved me, and here in Mexico there are two ways to say I love you, "Te quiero, and te amo" well my little Alejandro was all te amo, and he just told me how he felt about me. And I now know how it is to feel the love of having a child. These are my children and I treat them as if they were my own. And everyday I grow closer and closer to them and this experience becomes more and more real to me. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me in the months to come. And I am anxiously waiting to see what is to come in my life as well. As all of my friends get married, and I am here in Mexico sometimes I question if this was the right move, but then I see my kids smiling at me and telling me how much I mean to them. And then I snap back to my reality of my kids, and this is my life. I have never been one to follow I have always done my own thing, and so going to college, getting married and having kids is what many people think is the perfect plan, but I am just going to go with the one God has for me, and if I am supposed to do more missions in the years or months to come, I will be ready for it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I´m back

It has been way too long since my last post. But December in Casa Hogar was crazy we had about 11 parties for the boys, where they recieved many presents, candies, and tamales. It was fun, but I was ready for a vacation. I had a wonderful time with my friends and family and I was able to relax alot. But by the last couple of days I was ready to come back to Casa Hogar, I missed my kids. And so I made my journey back, and yes it was a journey I left for the airport at 1:30 to find out my flight was running late, and so I missed my flight to Mexico, spent the night in a hotel in Texas, went to the airport at 12 waited 5 hours to hear that my flight was canceled, so I flew to Monterrey, waited an hour for a ride, and finally made it back to Saltillo at 12. Without my luggage which was God knows where for 2 days. But it was all worth it. I missed my family of volunteers and the Brothers. And when I heard my first child yell my name, I was oh so happy. I had waited two weeks for my kids to yell, "Katy" and it was pure joy. So the kids came back last Wednesday night, and by Friday we heard a tap on the window, and school was cancelled, due to snow. I never thought I would see snow here, but I did, and it snowed all day. So we watched many movies and just tried to stay as warm as possible. But it was a pretty sight to see, but I could not get and stay warm. I was wearing two jackets, tights, jeans, sweaters hats, gloves. You name it I was wearing it. Then the kids all went home and I had a nice relaxing weekend with my friends sleeping and trying to stay warm. Sometimes it is colder inside than out thanks to every house being made solely of concrete. My goal is to write more on my blog, and since I will not be running because it is just too dang cold you will be getting more and more info about the fabulous life of Casa Hogar.